Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Alex posted this link on twitter and i wanted to share it. Hope you enjoy this as much as i did.

Video Credit:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Are you a tweeter?

Twitter was not a tool/service I was familiar with before coming to the US. Since the evolution of the different social networks, I would say that I am not surprised that such an invention is available. Personally, I don’t really have anything against people using twitter. I especially found the article 25 Twitter tips for college students by Laura Milligan an interesting read. The educational hack part was the one that got me. Sometimes, a professor’s office hours might not be the convenient time for you. Having online real time to ask questions and generally brainstorm is not such a bad idea. Also, there is the collaboration for a project where you get ideas form fellow classmates and other students around the world. “Tweeting” would be really helpful here.

James Karl Buck’s story is one where information was passed on at the right time. But I ask, what if his friend didn’t see his message or he couldn’t connect? That would have been a different story but it wasn’t so Twitter wins the day. As I said earlier, there is nothing I have against this service but I think I draw a line at updating my status message and telling the whole world what I am doing every time(even using the bathroom...just kidding) . Suppose if this message gets into the wrong hands? Well social networking is important but at what cost?